Aim: to build a culture of proactive emergency medicine
education and quality improvement that will benefit patients and staff.
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Can pain on palpation rule out PE?
Presence of chest wall tenderness reduces the likelihood of PE but CANNOT be used to rule out the diagnosis.
Chest wall tenderness in the presence of a PE could be explained by...
Along time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I sat at my desk and slowly trawled my way through the mighty tomes of Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Netter and other delights...
Some of you will have already experienced a guerilla sim – these are happening unannounced, anywhere, anytime, and include anyone working on that particular shift...
— from International EM Education Efforts & E-Learning by Joe Lex 2012
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